Angel & Devil on Your Shoulder 3

Sandy Hobbs | Letters to Ambrose Merton # 19, 1999

Since writing my first piece on this subject, I have come across another example in popular art of the angel and imagery. Part of the interest is that jokes are built on the assumption that the audience will be familiar with concept. Family Guy is a cartoon series aimed at adults, made by Fuzzy Door Productions for Twentieth Century Fox. The episode in question, copyright 1999, has the identfying code 1ACX01.

The central characters are Peter and Lois, a married couple. Peter has lost his job, but Lois doesn’t yet know.

Peter: Ah, geez, how the hell am I going t tell this to Lois? If she finds out I got fired for drinking, she’s going to blame ME.

A Devil (red clothes, horns, carrying a trident) appears over his right shoulder:

Devil: Lie to her. It’s OK to lie to women. They’re not PEOPLE like us.

Peter: Aw, I don’t know… (Looks over his shoulder) Where’s the other guy?

Cut to an Angel (dressed in white, with a halo) stuck in a traffic jam.

Later, Lois who is getting suspicious, says to Peter:

You know, if there’s something wrong you can tell me.

Peter’s Angel appears. He says:

Heh, sorry man, am I late? What did I miss?
Peter: Oh, thank God you’re here. What do I do?

A Devil appears over the Angel’s right shoulder.

Devil: Tell him to keep lying. He’s in too deep.
Angel: Oh. I don’t know… (Looks over his other shoulder) Hey where’s the other guy?